Children in the toddler to kindergarten age usually don’t understand terms like “Savior,” “Redeemer,” and “Lamb of God” – terms that are often used to describe Jesus. Other concepts such as death and resurrection are too abstract for youngsters to grasp.
To describe a relationship with God in child-friendly language, few words may be as good as “friend.” Children are familiar and comfortable with the concept. They’re starting to form their own friendships and know how it feels to have and be a friend.
When sharing Jesus with your child, try this approach:
Talk to children about their friends.
Have kids talk about their friends’ special traits. Ask what they like to play with each individual and why their friends are important to them.
Brainstorm the qualities of good friends.
Ask children what good friends do and how they act. Discuss what makes someone your best friend. Ask older children what they’re willing – and unwilling – to do for their friends.
Share the good news that Jesus is the perfect friend.
Children learn pretty early that friends can let them down. Remind your kids that God’s Son, Jesus, loves them and wants a relationship with them. Jesus is the best friend we’ll ever have.