When Young Children Run the Other Way:It's hard to get very far in the discipline process if you call to Johnny and he runs the other way. Furthermore, it's not respectful when parents yell across the house or parking lot to their kids. At least part of the solution is to teach children to come when they’re called.Some parents react negatively to this idea. It conjures up visions of authoritarian leadership like a sergeant yelling at a private in the military, belittling a person by pulling rank. These parents need to catch a vision for helping children develop a character quality of responsiveness.
It doesn't come naturally but children who don't learn to be responsive to another person make poor team members, inconsiderate friends, and difficult employees.
To teach children to come when they're called, you first have to explain what you mean. With young children you might say, "From now on, whenever I call your name, you need to come close to me and say "What Mom?" or "What Dad?" You might explain that it's important that they learn to listen carefully to your words and when they hear you call, they need to come and find out what you want. The next step is to practice. With a two or three-year-old you may practice it several times an hour.
Be careful that you don't just practice when you want to give an instruction or when your child is running away from you in the store. Practice at home and at the park. Call your child just for fun. When he comes, say something like "I just wanted to tell you I love you" or "I just want to see how well you can obey." The "Come When You're Called Rule" teaches responsiveness to authority. When children become teenagers you can tell the difference between those who have learned this concept and those that haven't.
The "Come When You're Called Rule" is a way that parents honor children and teens as well. It says, "I'm not going to yell at you across the house or parking lot. I'm going to take time to sit down and talk to you or get away with you to discuss this issue."
Overcoming Selfishness With Honor:Some parents are frustrated because their children are so self-focused that they can't seem to grasp the concept of honoring others.
How can you help children think about other people instead of always thinking about themselves?One helpful way is to teach kids to recognize emotions in others and then know how to respond accordingly. One way to do this is to work with your child by using a journal to track and make observations about the emotions of others. Every evening ask your child to identify examples of a friend or family member who was sad, mad, or glad that day. Then ask the question, "How might you respond to that person in a helpful way?" Keep track in the journal of your child's answers and work with him/her in coming up with appropriate ways to respond.Continue this exercise every evening for a couple of weeks. Over time, this should help your child get outside of him/herself, look at the needs and feelings of others, and then respond with honor.
When a brother or sister is mad, it might be best to leave them alone or to just ask a helpful question. With a friend who is sad, help can be offered. When Mom or Dad is glad, the child can enter into that gladness by listening to the story and enjoying the situation too.
The Bible says in Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves."
That's good advice for all of us. Seeing and responding to emotions in others is a great way to start.
Hi Moms,
You probably recognize Mandy and Vanessa in the photo and their newest additions, Samantha and Luke! These are the leaders of New Life's newest small group for moms.
If you've been wanting to get involved in a small group, but haven't been able to find one that works with your schedule, this might be the group for you!
This new small group is a place where moms can come with their young children and not worry about who is watching them because you will be! Our kids will be right here with us snuggling, sleeping, nursing, and sometimes even participating (we have very smart kids!) while we study the Bible together and lift each other up.
We will begin meeting on Friday mornings at 11:00am starting September 19th, 2008 right here at our Corona Hills building.Come and join us!
For more information, call the church office at 951-736-5433 or send an email to groups@newlifecommunitychurch.net.